Gain access to the Top 150 global Colleges, Universities & Institutes
Welcome to Washington American High School, an Online private College Preparatory high school for grades 9‒12 students, our program’s purpose is explicit, to globally unlock the dream of obtaining an American High School diploma for every high school student willing to do the work.
The Greatest global benefit offerings to parents and their high school scholars are that we make available an opportunity for scholars from the comfort of their homes, not leaving their country.
As a result, not disrupting familial norms or culture. Hence, positioning them on a more favorable trajectory for entry
into the U.S. and other global colleges or universities.
The United States Colleges and Universities continue to be
the top destination for international students. Over the past decade, many parents have chosen for their children to participate in international education experiences. The top choice of location for this experience has been the United States of America.
Our team of admissions experts offers end-to-end college application counseling that is meant to supercharge our graduating high school scholar’s ability to get accepted globally into the most competitive undergraduate programs, we are committed to providing a Pathway to higher education institutions.
Our teachers are fully qualified, culturally diverse, certified, and experienced professionals who possess advanced degrees and various learning techniques styles training
To dismantle the barriers that stand in the way of
getting high
school graduates into the most competitive
global undergraduate
Our team of admissions experts offers end-to-end
application support that is meant to supercharge
our graduates
ability to get accepted globally into the most
undergraduate programs.
To dismantle the barriers that stand in the way of
getting high
school graduates into the most competitive
global undergraduate
Our team of admissions experts offers end-to-end
application support that is meant to supercharge
our graduates
ability to get accepted globally into the most
undergraduate programs.
Our power of choice is untrammelled & when nothing prevents.
Preparing Our Students For The Real World
Weʼre passionate about setting up students for a long
and successful life, Itʼs about giving them what they
need to pursue their dreams
Color-changing Robot Hides In Plain Sight
From detecting surrounding colors to changing patterns on display, a robot can now mimic chameleons’ uncanny ability of blending in with the surroundings. A robot modeled on a chameleon and developed by South Korean researchers can change colors to match its surroundings. Like real chameleons.
Getting A Grip On Robot-Assisted Surgery
Surgeons’ fatigue during robot-assisted surgery could become a thing of the past with a controller developed by scientists in Japan.
A Crab's Eye Provides Inspiration for This Artificial Eyeball, Offering an Amphibious Panoramic View
A team of researchers from Korea and the US has developed an artificial vision system, which is claimed to offer a full panoramic view both above and under the water — taking its inspiration from the eyes of the fiddler crab.
Tracking System May Improve Prostate Radiotherapy Treatment
Researches and clinicians in Australia are leading a clinical trial to test a GPS like device that tracks the position of the prostate as it moves during radiotherapy.
A High School College Preparatory Program
Our team of admissions experts offers end-to-end college
application counseling that is meant to supercharge our
graduating high school scholarsʼ ability to get accepted globally
into the most competitive undergraduate programs.
Gain access to the Top 150 global Colleges, Universities & Institutes
Gain global access to the top 100 medical sciences, research and medical schools colleges and universities.
Gain access to the Top 100 Fashion & Design Institutes
Gain access to the Top 100 Cosmetology Colleges & Universities
Gain access to the Top 100 Engineering Colleges & Universities
Gain access to the Top 100 Graphic Arts & Game Design Colleges and Universities
Gain access to the global Top 100 global Computer Tech Colleges & Universities